Associação de Amparo aos Animais
As I was clearing out old folders and information about the Associação, the following came to light: Clipping excerpts from the São Paulo Women´s Club Bulletin, around 1970, by BebitaHodgkiss:
“The whole thing began about two years ago…“The A.A.A.(Associação de Amparo aos Animais) which had been working as an entity since 1961, and whose President was Da. Yolanda Faria Lima, had a shelter at that time on Av. Miguel Stefano, on the edge of the Av. Bandeirantes, near the zoo. The A.A.A. was approached by the municipal authorities with an offer: if the A.A.A. would receive the cat colony from the Anhangabau public gardens, the Prefeitura would build a caretaker´s house and a cattery on the AAA land.
“The cats were removed from the Anhangabau by men and vans of the Prefeitura dog-pounds and taken to the Av. Miguel Stefano, leaving the gardens to return to their former beauty. At the A.A.A. headquarters, homes were found for as many healthy cats as possible
“There was considerable news coverage of this relocation of the cats at the time, which helped to bring to the attention of the public that “a very small organization, formed by a group of housewives, heartsick at the way in which animals are treated in a young country where no proper legislation has yet been put into effect for their protection, has actually been considered important enough to be considered news… It has been brought to public notice that the A.A.A. is not just a society of little old ladies in tennis shoes founding an association for pussy-wussies and unwanted mutts, but an organized entity, acknowledged by and affiliated with the International Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and the World Federation for the Protection of Animals, (which are today grouped under the name of WSPA).
“People are becoming aware that, amongst the achievements of the A.A.A., is an improvement of conditions in most of the local and state dog-pounds;…that the constant battle to bring local governments to enforce the existing animal protection laws is slowly taking effect; that the conditions of transportation of live-stock, particularly cattle,…are improving; that the Associação is responsible for spaying literally hundreds of animals that would otherwise propagate indiscriminately and fill the streets with even more strays than there already are. Good homes have been found for the healthy animals left for adoption.
Now, in the year 2018, the A.A.A. has its shelter and operating rooms on the land donated in perpetuity for the care of animals by Agnes McLaughlin, at Rua Purus 475, in Diadema, São Paulo. There are neutering operations for dogs and cats, male and female, every week by appointment. The cost is calculated by the anesthetic needed for the weight of the animal, each one is given an antibiotic and bandages, and this costs less than half what is charged by most veterinarians.
Appointments are made by telephone 4094-2059 on weekday afternoons only, with Lena or Cida.
Dr. Kalio Paarmaan Jr., vet, is available on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday afternoons.
The accounts of the A.A.A. are available to anyone interested. The current Treasurer is Thomas Ahlgrimm, Assistant Treasurer Hugo Arntsen. We are a non-profit organization but must cover our expenses. As we have a monthly shortfall we hold an annual Pet Show to cover this difference.
The Associação has come a long way, but there is still much to be done. Many thanks to all the kind and generous people who have helped keep the Associação afloat all these years. Especially noted is the unstinting effort of the Administrator of the shelter, Lena Rodrigues, without whose daily effort the Associação would not have been able to continue to strive to help animals everywhere.
Lula May Reed