Associação de Amparo aos Animais
There is a new treatment for animals which I had not heard of – ozonioterapia. My Muffin, a small dachshund, began feeling his age at about 14, and obviously had back ache. He started to walk with his back humped, and no longer jumped easily onto the sofa. My regular vet recommended someone new: Dr. Adriano Caquetti, a vet who has specialized in this treatment. He can be found on Google, address and all. It was miraculous, and Muffin had several more happy and comfortable years, for which I was grateful.
After a spinal X-ray to see exactly where the problem was, Dr. Adriano injected Muffin at that spot and nearby with ozone, to his almost immediate relief. I have recommended Dr. Adriano and the treatment to several friends who have been pleased with the result. This really does help elderly animals with a back problem! Also helpful for the not-yet-elderly...just injured. Dr. Adriano started with horses who were needing help at the Jockey Club, and progressed from there. Dr. Adriano, Rua Republica do Iraque 1403, Campo Belo. Telefone for appointment: 5093-1063.
The new treatments have been a blessing for many people and animals, and there seems to be something new all the time!
BUT – the new treatments for animals and humans do not have to come at the cost of painful or fatal experimentation. There are many substitutes for experiments on live animals, and if you are viscerally against vivisection and unnecessary cruelty, you will be pleased to know that the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine has shut down another five (5) animal laboratories this year! This action committee contacts veterinary schools to encourage the use of models and techniques that are perfectly adequate and spare the live animals that were routinely used to test medication and procedures.
As it is the end of this year and the beginning of the New, inspite of terrible things that happen that we can do nothing about, we have much to be thankful for. New treatments, new attitudes, new hopes keep us going. And our friends and activities keep us going...
The Associação takes this opportunity to thank again, most warmly, all the kind people who have helped us over this past year.
With every good wish for a New Year full of good happenings,
Lula May Reed