British Society São Paulo

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Caledonian Ball

On Saturday night, September29th, the St Andrew Society of São Paulo held their traditional Caledonian Ball in the Espaço Citron (the old Transatlantic Club) in the Chácara Santo Antonio region.

This black-tie event was a sell out and almost 200 people participated in Scottish reels to the sound of the bagpipes, toasts and speeches and, of course, whisky in all its forms, both unadulterated and mixed with honey and fresh cream (atholl brose).

The society’s president, Jeremy Barnes, introduced a newcomer to the event, a Mr Smiles who had come along at the suggestion of, and paid for by, the Smiles airline mileage plan who, together with the Cultura Inglesa, were the main sponsors of the event.

The party went on until well after 3:00 am, long after the music had stopped, with a few diehards determined to keep up the best of the Scottish traditions.