Royal British Legion Golf News
Summary of the 2018 season: Five matches. 27 Legionnaires participated.
Guarapiranga GC President’s Cup Winner Peter Wilson
Itu (Terras de São José GC) Pontifex Cup Winner Debbie Mackenzie
Clube de Campo GC Barnes Bowl Winner Derek Barnes
São Fernando GC Captain’s Cup Winner Derek Barnes
São Paulo GC Guy Giraudeau Cup Winner Doug Munro
Congratulations to Derek on winning two trophies this year. Special mention: Brian Fulford Highest average Stableford score (34.6) and three times ‘nearest the pin’.
Captain’s special award for high attendance rating:
John McNaughton, Derek Barnes, Brian Fulford (100%)
Tim King , Tom Simmonds, Andrew Macdonald, David Warren, Ronaldo Rotter (80%)
It should be noted that Sam Chaplin did have a 100% attendance rating for the time he was living in Brazil. Ralph Rowe should be commended for timing his trip to Brazil from the U.K. to coincide with our final game at SPGC.
RBL Charitable DonationThanks to the generosity of members in their contributions towards Prize Money each time we play, I have been able to make a charitable Christmas donation to the RBL of over R$1000. Many thanks for your support. Best wishes and Happy Christmas to you all.
Crispin - RBL Golf Captain