British Society São Paulo

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Editorial - Spotlight nº 119 - March & April 2018

The old adage that life only begins in Brazil after Carnival is probably true, but at least this year, we get an earlier start.

Many of you have complained that you are receiving Spotlight very late, and in too many cases not at all. We are experiencing very serious problems with the postal services and must apologise to our readers. 

In the last issue we made an appeal for a contribution of R100,00 for a year’s Spotlight, and we included an individual payment slip identifying each reader with a centavo addition.  Due to the problem mentioned above, we are repeating this again in this issue.  Please ignore if you have received it and made a contribution.

If you are a new reader and wish to subscribe the details are as follows  Payment in any format to  Fundação Britanica de Beneficencia     Our bank is Bradesco,   Agencia 78964 Conta 0000129.5  CNPJ 60.478.344/000.32. Please let us know  at 3813-7080 and we will identify a number for you.

We have some new articles in this issue  and lots of activities which are included in the calendar. Do not forget that the calendar is a major way ,not only to publish your event , but also to avoid unnecessary clashes with other events.

Derrick Marcus

Also on this issue:

BSSP's Annual General Meeting

St. Paul's Anglican Cathedral updates

Bishop Glauco's Obituary

Royal British Legion's Updates

Sweat, Samba and Smiles at the Carna SPAC

Yellow Fever

Man's best friend? Since when?

Cultural Synopsis

The Real Story of King Arthur (Part 1)

Life is too short to drink bad wine
