British Society São Paulo

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SPAC Rugby’s Patrons (Continuation)

Once the project is up and running, many opportunities are expected to present themselves to the team. “Next, we intend to search for partners interested in expanding the project across town. We hope to become a consultancy for social and sportive initiatives focused on rugby and its immense formative potential. We know very well the difference it can make in people’s lives and in building their character, because we all are what we are today thanks to rugby and its values.”

As a rugby teaching institution, SPAC has an unquestionable tradition, unparalleled in the country. While other clubs have recently opted to invest in their high performance squads, the Blue and White goes on firmly believing that the growth of rugby in Brazil depends on it becoming popular among young ones. Its business plan involves a sustainable model that connects grassroot and competitive rugby, as well as sportive and financial gains.

“Our objective is to invest a percentage of what we gather through our social consultancy work into the high performance categories. These centres for sports education and social inclusion will also provide SPAC and the national team with excellent players. As for the businesses that decide to partner with us, well, they will profit more than anyone, since they will have many examples to show of boys and girls who became Olympic and world-class players because of their social work.”

Not only the rugby board recognizes such possibilities. Among some of the patrons, these opportunities for expansion are quite clear and an incentive for participating. “We decided to help SPAC Rugby because we know how hard it is to fund-raise in this country, especially for sports (other than football). Rugby is becoming popular in Brazil, so we decided it was the perfect time to give it a little push. All societies that can count on community support have a bigger chance of succeeding. SPAC is involving the local community in its plans, which, I believe, is in dire need of opportunities for practising sports” – declared patron Julie Malzoni.

However, all present and future plans depend on prompt communal engagement. “We are fixed on raising five times the amount we gather today with patrons in the next two months” – declared Randall. “At this moment, having everyone’s support –SPAC, rugby and British communities – is crucial for our projects not to fall short. Placing the initial donations at R$ 50 was a policy adopted precisely to allow everyone to pitch in. It doesn’t matter if you can only help with the smallest share or if you’re capable of purchasing 10 shares. The important part is to give your support! With significant participation, we will be able to change many lives!”

Other ways of supporting                                                        Besides patronage, SPAC Rugby also offers sponsorship deals for companies through jersey patches, online advertising and plaques around the game field, among other regular sports sponsorship benefits. “We reshaped our communications at the beginning of the year and, since then, have been growing consistently in social media presence and visits to the website” – declared Randall.

Yet, lately, one of the most interesting methods for supporting the growth of rugby in Brazil has been through tax incentive laws. It’s how the Brazilian Rugby Confederation gets most of its income, as well as many other sports associations in the country.

SPAC Rugby currently has two projects approved by the Sports Ministry; one for women’s rugby, and the other for youth rugby. Both allow companies to direct 1% of the amount they owe via corporate income tax directly to SPAC’s rugby department, afterwards deducting the value from what they would pay the government. Individuals are also allowed the benefit, and can redirect up to 6% of tax owed.

However, even for those who aren’t able to help financially, there is still one simple way of supporting the team: come over and watch the games! They are guaranteed to have a jolly good time, among a special crowd that only a very       special sport could ever gather.

For more information write to

Gabriel Baines