RBL's Annual General Meeting
The Royal British Legion - São Paulo Branch Annual General Meeting was held on the 20th of February 2018 at the São Paulo Athletic Club in Santo Amaro.
The members present elected for 2018 the committee as below:
President Paul J. McMahon
Vice-President Alasdair R. Kerr OBE
Hon. Treasurer Lyndon L. Johnson
Hon. Secretary Andrew G. Macdonald OBE
Members: Robert G. Beer
Alastair H. Steel
Michael R.V. Wyles
Bonnie M. Ford
Daniel Dupont Liot
Ex officio Derek T. Barnes BEM
Tommi Ahlgrimm has stepped down from the committee due to other commitments he is undertaking and he was presented with the Branch Certificate of Appreciation thanking him for his great work and dedication in the role of events coordinator during his time on the committee of the São Paulo Branch of the Legion. The photographs below show Tommi being presented with this certificate at the AGM.
The President’s report summarized the previous year’s activities as comprising the organization of the traditional Remembrance Service held at St. Paul’s Anglican Cathedral on Sunday 12th November (which was as always expertly conducted by our Chaplain, Bishop Roger Bird), two churrascos, two members lunches, five golf tournaments and our presence at various events of the Brazilian, French and American service/consulate communities to mark commemorative dates relating to their armed forces/Armistice services.
The Legion had kept in regular contact with the more elderly of its members and continued to provide financial assistance/support to members or their dependents when required. We continue to work closely with the British Society (BSSP) in some cases when needed.
The Treasurer’s report demonstrated that the Legion continued its primary social mission of providing welfare assistance to those ordinary members/their dependents in need. The Branch’s financial results demonstrate that except for Interest Income decline, all other revenue and expense categories remained fairly constant when compared to 2016 figures. Although on paper it looks as if we begin this year in a similar manner to previous years, in practice the capital amount invested is less in inflation adjusted terms than in the past. This, combined with the much lower levels of investment income currently available, will result in a much higher deficit in 2018.
Our Membership Report showed that our numbers were slightly down, this membership decline occurred mainly amongst our Associate members. Several have departed Brazil for a variety of reasons and others have resigned due to no longer having an interest in actively participating in our Branch’s activities.
Directly following the AGM we had a member’s lunch which was as usual very much enjoyed by all.
Please note membership is open to everyone and if anyone is interested in joining please contact any of the committee members or contact us via the BSSP.
Paul McMahon
Royal British Legion - São Paulo Branch