The Royal British Legion - Remembrance Day Service

The annual Remembrance Day Service was held at 10 am on Sunday, November 12th at St. Paul’s Anglican Cathedral.

The service was attended by over 280 people.  This was an excellent turnout from the community and we were supported by the normal Commonwealth countries and the allied nations, including Holland, France, Belgium, Brazil (FEB and FAB) and the USA.

The photograph above shows the RBL, FEB and BSSP wreaths being brought up to the memorial and in the background are some of the national flags and standards.

The photograph above shows the RBL, FEB and BSSP wreaths being brought up to the memorial and in the background are some of the national flags and standards.

We believe that the Remembrance Day Service is an important event for the British and Commonwealth Community.  As the years go by, and the two World Wars become remoter in time, the importance of our remembering and celebrating the sacrifices of the millions including the 77 people we remember locally who surrendered their lives in order to save democracy and ensure freedom for the succeeding generations is ever greater.  The horrendous suffering in the First World War - known as “The Great War” and the global loss of life in the Second World War must not be forgotten and this is why we need to continue to remember.

As we are currently in the centenary period of the First World War our service was focused on this and the 33 people who participated in this conflict and are remembered on our memorial plaque.

We also of course remember the sacrifice made by the thousands of British and Commonwealth service people who have died in the subsequent conflicts that have taken place since the end of the Second World War.

The musical support and the choir of St Pauls School helped us once again to make the service an even more moving service.

We had a collection for the Poppy Appeal which  is one of the principal sources of the funds that the RBL requires to ensure it can provide help to and defend the interests of needy service men and women, and, as is the case with us in Brazil, provide help to ex-service people and their dependants, when in need.

I would like to thank everyone who contributed towards the poppy sales either before the service via the schools, remotely from other locations or British organisations and at the service on the day.

The photograph above shows Stepanie Vinaz and Beatrice McMahon from St Nicholas School leading the Poppy ladies Carol Arntsen and Judy Beer up to the altar with the poppy sales baskets and church collection

The photograph above shows Stepanie Vinaz and Beatrice McMahon from St Nicholas School leading the Poppy ladies Carol Arntsen and Judy Beer up to the altar with the poppy sales baskets and church collection

The Cathedral technical staff organised the recording of the service and if you did not make it to the service on the day or if you would like to watch it again you can do so by clicking here. via the link below:

The photograph above shows the RBL President – Paul McMahon escorting the H.M. Consul General Jo Crellin out of the cathedral at the end of the service.

The photograph above shows the RBL President – Paul McMahon escorting the H.M. Consul General Jo Crellin out of the cathedral at the end of the service.

Following the service we had the normal reception which was provided with the assistance of the British Society São Paulo.  The reception was also very well attended and we had a special birthday greeting for Ted Forster who was at the service.  We sang happy birthday to Ted for his hundredth birthday which was on the 9th of November. Ted received the customary congratulations letter from HM the Queen just in time for his birthday.

The photograpgh above shows the congratulations letter Ted Forster received from HM the Queen.

The photograpgh above shows the congratulations letter Ted Forster received from HM the Queen.

The photograpgh above shows the congratulationons letter Ted Forster received from HM the Queen

Paul McMahon


Royal British Legion - Sao Paulo Branch