How our Welfare Department works

The Welfare Department of the Fundação Britânica is responsible for the management of social programs. Welfare is composed of a team of four: Isabela, coordinator of social projects, Ana, social projects assistant, Marina, social educator and Rachel Govier, member of the Board and current president of the FBB.

Currently the FBB provides assistance to about 170 seniors, who participate in 5 social projects. These programs are: Protection (Acolher), Support (Amparar), Care (Cuidar), Extended (Multiplicar) and the Conviviality Centre for the Elderly (Centro de Convivência para Idosos). Each project has its own policy of inclusion, and its objectives and specificities. In the Protection program, we contribute in sheltering and caring for of the elderly in an appropriate long-term partner institution. In this project, the elderly person can be fully supported in their needs, if their frail health, financial vulnerability, and lack of family ties are identified.

In the Support program we provide assistance for elderly people who are very vulnerable with regard to finances and family. In this program we provide financial assistance that can meet the basic needs of the elderly person, such as food, medicines, and health care. In order to be part of this program, a socioeconomic evaluation of the person is made to understand the individual needs and the frailty of their family ties.

The Care program permits all community members who are over 60 years old to request a carer-escort for medical consultations and examinations, avoiding the elderly person from going alone. The purpose of the program is also to prevent the elderly person from failing to make the necessary medical follow-ups because they do not want to go alone for consultation / examination / treatment. With this, the program contributes to the health care of the elderly. In addition, the program offers transportation for those who need assistance with transportation.

In addition to these community-oriented programs, we have the Extended program that offers financial assistance to long-term public institutions for the elderly (ILPIs). In addition to financial support and with the help of volunteers, we also organise visits, donations, etc. for the elderly in the home. Recently the home we are supporting was visited by St. Paul's students, who spent the afternoon with the elderly.

Finally, the newest program of the FBB, the Conviviality Centre for the Elderly, is open to all people over 60. The Centre is located at the unit of Cultura Inglesa Butantã, and the activities that are carried out there aim to provide healthy aging, activities that stimulate cognitive functions, put the body in motion and are fun :)! Thus, the space seeks to build its workshop grid according to the demand of those who signed up for it. The space is collective and open to all!

The Welfare team and the FBB are committed to building a more just and inclusive society for the elderly, contributing to the reduction of their isolation and vulnerability. As Rachel Govier said in QBP, "The board of the FBB is committed to making sure that no member of our community is left alone or in need of financial assistance. We strongly urge everyone here to help us find these people. If you know of anyone in a vulnerable situation please tell us so that we can seek the best way to assist them.

Isabela Bertho

Coordinator of Social Projects