Carajás Bingo

On Saturday, May 26th, we held the long awaited Carajás Bingo! We had a delicious afternoon with the presentation of Coral Tom sobre Tom, good food, nice ambiance and a very fun Bingo! 

We received a group of 47 elderly people assisted by the FBB (Fundação Britânica de Beneficência) who were very happy to participate and be involved.

It was nice to see the engagement of the parents, helping the elderly, in the CaraPais stand, with the Bingo and especially: having a lot of fun! The Cubs were fantastic helping in the sale of the cards for the Bingo! Congratulations Cubs!

We also had the Rovers raffle draw, who presented the adapted chair developed by the project Montanha Para Todos that allows people with physical limitations to go on trails.
We thank the entire team at SPYC (São Paulo Yacht Club) who welcomed us with great care and prepared an incredible environment for the Carajás Bingo! Our thanks also to all who made donations, whether in cash or prizes and service vouchers - you made our event possible!

A special thanks to Rachel Govier who organized and made possible the attendance of the group of elderly assisted by the FBB. Finally, we thank all CaraPais, a group of parents and mothers from Carajás, who worked tirelessly in the preparation and execution of this whole event.            

Written by Paulo Dal Bó