A 2018 Retrospective by Fundação Britânica and British Society
We have reached the end of 2018, an incredible year for the Fundação Britânica and British Society!
We took off the drawing board a new social project for the elderly, increased our number of beneficiaries, enabled hundreds of medical appointments and ended this period with a feeling of having fulfilled our obligation and are motivated to do even more in 2019!
A summary of our achievements:
• We increased the number of carer-escorts to doctors in our Care Programme from about 200 in 2017 to over 300 in 2018.
• We increased by almost 50% the number of elderly beneficiaries of the Fundação Britânica projects, reaching 156 during 2018.
• We have expanded the Care Programme to include more elderly people from our community and, also, the ones living in a situation of vulnerability who are residents in a partner institution of the Fundação Britânica.
• On October 16, we launched our Conviviality Centre for the Elderly, a new project that that proposes to offer free activities for the over-60 years old population in the city of São Paulo. This project has already benefited 39 people in these two months in operation. And, on December 15, we finalized the 2018 activities of this project with a Maturity Musicale.
• In the Extended Programme, we maintained the exchange between young and old with our volunteer activities in partnership with St. Paul’s School.
• We received the Silver Salver from the City Hall of São Paulo and obtained our registration in the Grande Conselho Municipal do Idoso (Greater City Council of the Elderly).
Do you want to see the complete list with our 2018 achievements and plans for 2019? Read our retrospective on the FBB blog: https://fundacaobritanica.org.br/retrospectiva-2018-fundacao-britanica/
We hope you have enjoyed our results and we are at your disposal if you have any questions about our performance. Just send an e-mail to contact@britishsociety.org.br and we’ll be happy to talk to you.
Finally, as we open this new year, we wish you all the best on behalf of the Board and the Fundação Britânica team! We look forward to seeing you in 2019!
This is our good news for 2018 – thanks for being a part of our history!