The Cultura Inglesa opens a new branch in Paraisópolis and funds 100% of the cost of doubling the capacity of the Anglican Institute creche
/This new school is the biggest single social project that the Cultura has ever undertaken and the total investment of nearly R$17 million covered not only the construction and fitting out of this brand-new school but also doubling the size of the adjacent creche of the Anglican Institute.
On Sunday March 24th, the Cultura Inglesa and the Anglican Institute organized a major event in Paraisópolis to celebrate the opening of a new branch of the Cultura and the expansion of the Anglican creche. This was a three-way partnership between the São Paulo municipality, which provided approximately 2,000 m² of land next to the Paraisópolis favela, the Cultura Inglesa, which funded all the construction costs and the Anglican Institute, which runs the creche.
The school and the creche will be able to attend up to 1.000 persons each, with preference being given to residents of the nearby favela. The English language classes will be provided free of charge and the associated class materials will also be free. Monitors from the creche will be amongst the first students to be enrolled in the Cultura school. The creche will receive children from zero to five years old for whom there will also be no charge. For older children in the creche, activities will include some English language content monitored by teachers from the Cultura.
The new Cultura branch, ready to receive visitors for the inauguration ceremony. It has 8 classrooms on two floors, all equipped with modern electronic white boards, and a multimedia space. The teachers have passed through exactly the same process of selection and training as any other teacher at a branch of the Cultura, guaranteeing the same level of academic quality.
The Governor of São Paulo, João Doria, and his Secretary for Social Development, Celia Parnes, stopping to talk to Bonnie Ford, during the tour of the Cultura building which they took prior to the opening ceremony.
On one side Emily Shirtcliff, from the São Paulo Consulate, and Governor João Doria and on the other Mayor Bruno Covas and the Reverend Aldo Quintão of the Anglican Institute, unveiling the plaque naming the new Cultura school after Lorraine de Matos, general manager of the Cultura for the last 22 years. Lorraine retires at the end of April after a brilliant career in command of the Cultura and as you can see, this well-deserved homage came as a complete surprise.
During the inauguration speeches, the Chairman of the Cultura, Derek Barnes, managed to raise a few laughs. Before translating to Portuguese the speech of Emily Shirtcliff, he asked if anyone really needed a translation. In response to general bemusement he suggested that those with difficulty might like to enrol in one of the Cultura’s courses.
Bishop Roger Bird amongst the hundreds of guests
Derek Barnes