John Robert Mills (1938-2018)

John Robert Mills (1938-2018)

John Robert Mills, 80, passed away on December 24, 2018 in São Paulo. Beloved husband of Monica, father of Lawrence, Robert and Charles, and grandfather of Georgia, Nicholas, Alissa, Daphne, Chelsea, Emily and Oliver. Born on May 13th, 1938 in Vigo, Spain, of English and Basque heritage, he studied in Lima, Peru, and at Downside, in Somerset, before settling in São Paulo in 1967.

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British Society - Annual General Meeting 2018

British Society - Annual General Meeting 2018

On 6th December 2018 we held the British Society’s Annual General Meeting where British organisations such as St. Paul’s School, St. Paul’s Anglican Cathedral, the Royal British Legion, the Carajás Scouts, St. Andrew’s Society, São Paulo Yacht Club (SPYC) and SPAC Rugby presented their 2018 achievements along with their plans for 2019.

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Time for fitness, friends and fun

Time for fitness, friends and fun

Nothing is more valuable than time. Money can be lost and made again, but time spent (or wasted) can never be reclaimed. Therefore, don’t give your time away too easily. Instead, focus on what is important and/or pleasurable, and ignore the rest. One technique (perhaps the only one I have mastered myself!) is to learn to delegate as much as possible. Instead of asking: “How can I do this task?” try asking: “How can this task get done?” and accept that good enough is good enough. Forget perfectionism!

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Cultural Synopsis - Vineyards & Wineries

Cultural Synopsis - Vineyards & Wineries

Wine lovers and others who  celebrate the New Year tasting good wine, without spending much, will  be surprised that, even in São Paulo, there are listed wineries which have won international prizes. Those who are not in for drinking wine will certainly enjoy the landscape, history and beauty of many of the places listed here. Let’s start on this special trip to the São Paulo vineyards.

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Skills to thrive in our ever-changing world

Skills to thrive in our ever-changing world

In modern society, as with any societal change in history, creativity and invention are ubiquitous. As a global society our students are not expected to work in passive, rote, unconnected environments. In the unknown dynamic, interconnected, creative world of tomorrow companies are often looking for creative skills, capacity, and personal agency within their employees.

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