The St. Paul’s Foundation is opening its doors for scholarship programme

The St. Paul’s Foundation is opening its doors for scholarship programme

For the 2020 entry, The St. Paul’s Foundation open its doors to even younger children to apply for the scholarship programme: our scholars will be at least 13 years old and will have a pre-requisite level of academic and English language skills, in addition to their special talent in music, sports or arts. We are looking for excellent students who have the right attitude, drive and commitment to benefit from the opportunities offered by the scholarship programme and to contribute to the school.

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Conviviality Centre for the Elderly

Conviviality Centre for the Elderly

We are proud to say that, during this month of October, we took an important next step in this process: we launched our Conviviality Centre for the Elderly in the Butantã region. The Conviviality Centre (Centro de Convivência) is a space that offers several activities contributing towards a process of healthy ageing. It develops autonomy and sociability, strengthens family ties, and community living helps to         prevent situations of social risk.

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Caledonian Ball

Caledonian Ball

On Saturday night, September29th, the St Andrew Society of São Paulo held their traditional Caledonian Ball in the Espaço Citron (the old Transatlantic Club) in the Chácara Santo Antonio region. This black-tie event was a sell out and almost 200 people participated in Scottish reels to the sound of the bagpipes, toasts and speeches and, of course, whisky in all its forms, both unadulterated and mixed with honey and fresh cream (atholl brose).

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The battle of the carbs

The battle of the carbs

For many years, doctors have recommended a diet based in low carbohydrate intake. Clinical trials have shown that it reverses diabetes, leads to weight loss, and improves most heart disease risk factors, all of which should logically lead to a longer life. However, a recent publication in Lancet Public Health, based on data from the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study made headlines around the world when it declared that a low-carb diet will shorten life.

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Dr. Schweitzer’s dream almost destroyed but a good part of his treasury saved

Dr. Schweitzer’s dream almost destroyed but a good part of his treasury saved

Dr. Schweitzer, already 88 and his daughter Rhena, half his age, stayed back with some of their helpers who refused to go when Dr. Schweitzer ordered the place to be evacuated on hearing the daily radio newsreel on his primitive galvanic battery wireless urging them to hasten to Libreville, the French protected provincial capital. The doctor, his daughter, Dr. Miller and others of the staff were spared due to haste and military the benefit they had provided for the people of Gabon.

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Cultural Synopsis - Grindelwald

Cultural Synopsis - Grindelwald

If you happen to be in Europe, remember Grindelwald for a stay and many walks.  Embedded in a welcoming and green hollow, surrounded by a commanding mountainscape and the numerous lookout points along 300 km of walking tracks, and activities make Grindelwald one of the most popular and cosmopolitan holiday and excursion destinations in Switzerland.

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Remembrance Day Service

Remembrance Day Service

Please note our Remembrance Day service at St Pauls Cathedral will actually take place this year on the 11th of November (Armistice Day) and as you are probably aware 2018 marks the centenary of the First World War’s final year.

The theme of this year’s Remembrance Service from the Royal British Legions point of view is to say Thank You to those people who gave their lives in the first World War.

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