Lawn Bowls: a placid sport and one with no age limit

Lawn Bowls: a placid sport and one with no age limit

Lawn Bowls is one of the oldest sports in the western world and its earliest records date back to the mid 16th century in England. At SPAC, it arrived early. About 130 years ago, when the English club was founded, the first Bowls of Brazil green was set up, using the tradition of the sport at its origin and serving the local British community.

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SPAC Rugby’s Patrons (Continuation)

SPAC Rugby’s Patrons (Continuation)

Once the project is up and running, many opportunities are expected to present themselves to the team. “Next, we intend to search for partners interested in expanding the project across town. We hope to become a consultancy for social and sportive initiatives focused on rugby and its immense formative potential. We know very well the difference it can make in people’s lives and in building their character, because we all are what we are today thanks to rugby and its values.”

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The Real Story of King Arthur (Part 3)

The Real Story of King Arthur (Part 3)

To resume the history of Caerleon: Aurelius continued to abuse his authority as governor relentlessly  until the vassal king Athrwys decided to ‘stop the rot’ and end the widespread civil unrest by marching into Caerleon with his own troops during the following year (527 A.D.), where he defeated and killed Aurelius on the spot. It was Athrwys’ 9th of his 12 battles and all of them were victorious according to the Welsh historian Nennius.

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