SPAC Rugby’s Patrons

SPAC Rugby’s Patrons

Having suffered in recent years with a decrease in the size of its squads and of its operational structure, SPAC’s rugby department had to take measures at the end of 2017 in order to reverse this process. With investments in a professional management and coaching staff, it was able once again, to create the conditions necessary for the sport to be practiced with the quality the club is so well known for.

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Editorial - Spotlight nº 119 - March & April 2018

Editorial - Spotlight nº 119 - March & April 2018

The old adage that life only begins in Brazil after Carnival is probably true, but at least this year, we get an earlier start. Many of you have complained that you are receiving Spotlight very late, and in too many cases not at all. We are experiencing very serious problems with the postal services and must apologise to our readers. 

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BSSP's Annual General Meeting 2017

BSSP's Annual General Meeting 2017

On 7th December 2017 we held the British Society’s Annual General Meeting where British organisations such as St. Paul’s School, St. Paul’s Anglican Cathedral, the Royal British Legion, the Carajás Scouts, St. Andrew’s Society, and São Paulo Yacht Club (SPYC) presented their 2017 achievements along with their plans for 2018.

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The Real Story of King Arthur (Part 1)

The Real Story of King Arthur (Part 1)

Everyone is familiar with the Legend of King Arthur, which is a fictitious story that was concocted by the first great French novelist called Chrétien de Troyes in about 1165, who unscrupulously distorted the facts with his ‘poetic licence’ and modified the names of the characters and places to suit his Frankish audience too.

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Associação de Amparo aos Animais - Man's best friend? Since when?

Associação de Amparo aos Animais - Man's best friend? Since when?

In the book “Sentiens”, by Yuval Noah Hariri, he writes and I quote:

“What generalisations can we make about life in the pre-agricultural world?... The vast majority of people  lived in small bands numbering several dozen or at most several hundred individuals, and  all these individuals were humans...

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Cultural Synopsis - Edifício Altino Arantes

Cultural Synopsis - Edifício Altino Arantes

Edifício Altino Arantes, an Art Déco building on Rua João Brícola, 24, city centre, formerly Prédio do  Banespa has now become Farol Santander and is open to the public. It was built in 1947, first designed by the architect Plinio Botelho do Amaral, but later modeled on the Empire State Building by the Camargo & Mesquita construction company

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Sermon delivered by Bishop Roger Bird at the November Remembrance Service

Sermon delivered by Bishop Roger Bird at the November Remembrance Service

In November 1917, World War I was in its 4th year. Things were still very uncertain and I doubt that anyone believed that the war would terminate one year later on the 11th November 1918. Things looked very dark, both for the soldiers fighting on the battle fronts and for the civilians back in England.

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